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Dua logo Hiyawawa. Gapapalah. Yang penting ada logo. ;D

Hiyawawa sendiri diambil dari dua kata dan dua bahasa. Hiya (Arab) yang artinya 'itu', 'yaitu', sebagai kata tunjuk. Dan Wawa (China) artinya 'boneka' atau 'anak kecil'. Wawa sendiri sudah familiar, panggilan dari Nasywa, si bocah ajaib yang hampir mau tiga tahun. Jadi, Hiyawawa arti literalnya, ya itu Wawa. :p Hiya! Wawa! Wataw! *lah.

Ah, gak ada arti khusus. Hanya Hiyawawa ini didedikasikan untuk si Wawa uget-uget. ♥ Bukan perusahaan, cuma identitas. Kata omanya Wawa, Hiyawawa ini siapanya Hiawata? :p Anak indian jaman majalah Bobo dulu. Hiyawawa saudari mudanya Imajimoo (yang urus cetak pin). Hiyawawa sendiri pinginnya difokusin ke segala macem berbau-bau craft (khususnya craft kain) begitu.

Yg atas itu logo awal. Saya suka segitiga, dan sengaja pilih 4 warna soft. Yg bawah itu gabungan kaligrafi Arab dan China. Satu dari 4 warna juga. Pinginnya membentuk bangau terbang, atau crane. Lebih simpel kayaknya. Ya seperti itulah. Sekarang masih urusin template blog yang gak kelar-kelar.

Grumpy Wizards

"Quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog" adalah kalimat pamungkas yang dipakai setiap mau jajal font. Tapi sekarang kita juga punya kalimat"Grumpy wizards make toxic brew for the evil Queen and Jack" sebagai alternatif-nya. Dulu, saya bingung, ada apaan memang sama fox vs dog? Ternyata, kalimat itu mengandung semua unsur huruf A-Z, jadi kita bisa melihat semua bentuk font dari semua huruf. Seperti Grumpy wizards ini. Huruf A-Z ada semua.

Dan grumpy wizards ini membawa kita kepada kisah Gregor Samsa, tokoh dalam sebuah cerita karya Franz Kafka berjudul The Metamorphosis (Die Verwandlung).

The Short (versi Google)
"Grumpy wizards make toxic brew for the evil Queen and Jack.
One morning, when Gregor Samsa woke from troubled dreams, he found himself transformed in his bed into a horrible vermin. He lay on his armour-like back, and if he lifted his head a little he could see his brown belly, slightly domed and divided by arches into stiff sections. The bedding was hardly able to cover it and seemed ready to slide off any moment. His many legs, pitifully thin compared with the size of the rest of him, waved about helplessly as he looked.
Gregor versi Charlie Brown
Plot Part I

One day Gregor Samsa, a traveling salesman, wakes up to find himself transformed into a "ungeheures Ungeziefer", literally "monstrous vermin", often interpreted as a giant bug or insect. He believes it is a dream, and reflects on how dreary life as a traveling salesman is. He looks at the wall clock and realizes that he has overslept and missed his train for work. He ponders on the consequences of this delay, and is annoyed at how his boss never accepts excuses or explanations from any of his employees no matter how hard working they are, displaying an apparent lack of trusting abilities. Gregor's mother knocks on the door and he answers her. She is concerned for Gregor because he is late for work, which is unorthodox for Gregor. Gregor answers his mother and realizes that his voice has changed, but his answer is short so his mother does not notice the voice change. His sister, Grete, to whom he was very close then whispers through the door and begs him to open the door. All his family members think that he is ill and ask him to open the door. He tries to get out of bed but he is incapable of moving his body. While trying to move, he finds that his office manager, the chief clerk has showed up to check on him. He finally rocks his body to the floor and calls out that he will open the door shortly.

Feeling offended by Gregor's delayed response in opening the door, the clerk warns him of the consequences of missing work. He adds that his recent performance has been unsatisfactory. Gregor disagrees and tells him that he will open the door shortly. Nobody on the other side of the door could understand a single word he uttered (Gregor was unaware of the fact that his voice has also transformed) and conclude that he is seriously ill. Finally, Gregor manages to unlock and open the door with his mouth. He apologizes to the office manager for the delay. Horrified by the sight of Gregor's appearance, the manager bolts out of the apartment, while Gregor's mother faints. Gregor tries to catch up with him but his father drives him back into the bedroom with a cane and a rolled newspaper. Gregor injures himself squeezing back through the doorway, and his father slams the door shut. Gregor, exhausted, falls asleep.

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